What Is

Think of TTT as another modality for stress release, relaxation, and a spiritual tool to reach higher vibrational states of awareness.  One of the purposes of TTT is for a person to feel an expanded state of consciousness or rather an awareness of the energy body which surrounds the physical body. You may have heard of something called an aura or an astral body. This is all part of the same energy body I am referring about here. During and after a session of TTT most people can actually feel this body in some way or another, even the most skeptic person will feel that they seem bigger or their body feels expanded in some way. Even though they can’t quite understand it yet. This is one of the first steps in getting to know who you really are. You are not just a physical body. We have many energy bodies surrounding us that we will get to know as we progress through spiritual awareness and evolution as a species. We are all connected through this energy right back up to the creator. Have you ever had a thought that did not seem like it was your own. It probably wasn't. We are all connected to one another on a super conscious level and we pick up other peoples energy and thoughts all the time. It is important for each of us to get to know what is our own thinking and what is coming from the collective matrix of mankind. It is only after this, that we can fully grasp a higher consciousness level. TTT can assist in the beginning stages and more advanced stages of self awareness leading one to higher states of consciousness. TTT incorporates light touching techniques over the entire unclothed body. If the person is uncomfortable with this they can wear a bikini or other under garments of their choice. Due to the nature of this technique a sheet over the body would inhibit the best results. The body needs to be exposed to allow the most sensitivity possible for the greatest feeling of the person’s energy body. It is very subtle, we all have a slightly different vibration. This is what makes us all different. When two people’s vibrations come together it creates a resonance. The difference is what makes TTT work! The person is asked to put their attention on their breath and to feel the sensations of their body as you performs this technique. TTT could be considered as a full body facilitated meditation technique.  People who enjoy receiving touch may find this modality to be very beneficial in opening the realm of higher vibrational states of relaxation and body awareness. During a TTT session the sexual centers are usually passed over lightly as part of the body experience.  This is not to be used nor intended as sexual gratification of any kind. There are other techniques such as Tantric Massage that can be used for that purpose. It is part of the process to experience the movement of life force energy (Kundalini) through the body using touch.


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