Rotating Rainbow Triangle The Three Selves of the Shaman:   Gay Spiritual Net Logo

  As you are aware through the norm of Christianity, there is a trinity.  What you may not know is what that trinity is in the Shaman belief system.  Ultimately they mean the same thing, except for the way it is taught.  Let us begin.
  The middle self is our everyday ordinary conscious self, the person we think we are.  My understanding is that in order to make contact with the high self (over soul) which is the part of us that is able to communicate with spirits that are dead or in other dimensions we must first make contact with our lower self first (perhaps dead is a bad word as we never really die anyway).  
The Lower self is that part of us that is referred to as the child within.  It is our closest friend to the earth and it is this part of our self which is able to connect to the earth spirits and divas, wind spirits, and so on.
according to the Huna we will never be able to make contact with our high self until we have a working relationship with our low self.  It is the low self who decides when we are ready to put the trinity all together to make contact with the high self.  Pagans, Shamans, Druids, and Wicca all work with nature and of course the low self.  A pendulum, for example can be a tool to connect to your low self when used correctly.  When I do muscle testing with someone to find out about a physical problem, it is the lower self that provides the answer through the testing and not the higher self as some may think.


Brad Wright

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