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WINNER  Entry #3



Larry Staroff

I dreamed of a man
Who would love me naked
Not just without clothes
But stripped to the truth

I tried boys, and men
And gorged myself on anonymous feasts of flesh

I loved with active abandon
And found solace in solitude

I lost loving and fabulous friends
And deserted some who fell from grace

I dearly disappointed that distant Wizard
And remain enmeshed with the maniacal Witch

I was handed challenges I didn't think I'd survive
And was blessed with exquisite moments of ecstasy

I've found my heart, my brain, and some courage
And I've been really lost

But I'm still here

So I came back to the dream
To find God waiting with open arms

Inviting me to embrace my truth

And love a man
who would love me the way I deserved to be loved


It was me all the time

Yes Glinda, I had the power all the time

There's no place like home


Entry #1

Ryk Tompkins


Ever-present light that draws between us as
We lay as one
Within this perfect place,
Light within us shines reflected
One to one,
As joy upon each lover's face;
Endless on-
Need not of time,
Need not of fears,
Nor depths of space
To be more free...
We entwine.
Like a flood we flow,
Engulfed in one another;
Like a deed.
We crave,
We share each other's taste;
Like an art we form
Each line from breathless space,
And savor,
Beyond time,
Each lingering trace...

Entry #2

Mr Gurmit Sidhu


The Spirit Wanders
in Streams of Emotions
We look for Silence
We Hope for Liberation...

It will Come
When Desire is exhausted

Just Flower
and do not Fear
Live in the Present

And let
Life flow through you

Live in the present
and you'll be a
light on the universe

But first

Surrender to life

and see

reality is your friend

Copyright, Gurmit Sidhu, August 2000

Entry #4

David Rollins

upon a changing night
you appeared angelic to reveal
that love returns
in widening waves of compassion

wrestle me to this soft green Earth
let us laugh
and tremble with her joy




Entry #5

Bill Austin


Who am I?

I don't know who I am.
I do know who I am not.

I am not my body or my clothing.
I am not my emotions or my feelings.
I am not my thoughts or my desires.

I am not my job or my money.
I am not my partner or my family.
I am not my gender or my sexual orientation.

I am not my past.
I am not my future.
I am not even my present.

I am not the tree or the animal.
I am not the land or the sea.
I am not the moon or the sun.

I am who I am.
You are who you are.
You and I are One.

Who am I?
Who are you?

Copyright 2000 Bill Austin

Two Spirited
By Sean Christian

The best time to tell a story is when you have an audience.  So, now that I have your attention I shall tell you mine.  Many many moons ago, there was a beautiful young woman expecting a child.  This child was to be a special child.  Sent from the Creator, this child would bring a new medicine to the many tribes and nations.  There was an elder woman, close to the mother who carried good medicine handed down to her from generations of holy women.  
This elder knew the birth of this child was an important event.  What exactly was to be expected from the child was not yet known.
Now in the spirit realm, two spirits were eagerly waiting to jump into a new born baby.  High above, they circle back and forth waiting for a child to be born through.  It just so happened: the beautiful young woman was ready to give birth.  At the same moment, the two spirits jumped into the tiny baby about to be born.  They did not realize that they were both jumping into the
same little baby.  In the moment when the young woman sat in the middle of the miracle of miracles, giving birth, she cried out as her handsome baby boy entered into his new life.  It was at this very moment that the two spirits both entered the same baby simultaneously.
The holy woman aided closely in the birthing process.  She saw the two spirits enter the baby boy.  Now, about these spirits: one was of a masculine nature and the other of a feminine nature.  Both were to work together til their calling back to Creator.  What a pot of stew this was going to be for the child!!!  What a path the child would follow in the years to come!  
Little did the child know that through his medicine, he would help all people come to a better understanding of their inner natures.  However, the holy woman now saw his path and knew it was her responsibility to help the child be strong in following his calling to the people.  She would help him with his feminine spirit. The holy woman knew of a holy man with good medicine to help the child with his masculine spirit.
The two spirits wanted to face the tasks set before the boy. They would work together to help this child be strong and brave.  Many trials and difficulties would be dealt with through his lifetime.  The holy woman told the new mother what had transpired during the birth of her child.  This event had never occurred before to the people.  For this reason, the mother named her child, Two Spirit.  Now, there are many walking the land with this good
medicine.  But, Two Spirit was the first.
Two spirit's mentors saw to it that he had the many lessons necessary to grow in a good way.  They were careful, so that he would know to use his gifts in a good way to help the people of all tribes and nations.  Two Spirit grew up carrying this strong medicine though he did not yet know its purpose.
The time came for Two Spirit to go on hanblecheya (vision quest.)  Because of his nature, it was decided he must sit for 7 day and nights and bring his many questions before Creator.  Most who go on vision quest sit for 4 days, but the circumstances were such the holy woman wanted Two Spirit to sit for 7 days and nights. The young man wanted to know why he was two spirited and what was his purpose for being duel spirited.  So many times he had wished to be as other men and it weighed heavy that he was not the same.
Going on hanblecheya he would now sit and wait for Creator to explain his purpose and give him a focus to follow.  Two Spirit grew very weak after 6 suns rising and setting without a vision.  On the 7th day, Creator spoke.   Creator told him that many with two spirits would be following. They would seek his guidance.  He would help to open a path for all that would follow.  Now he knew his path.  It was his destiny to open his heart to the many that
would come and live among the tribes and the nations.  The people would need to understand the medicine.  They would need to know how much good two spirited people have to offer the nation.  This was his vision.  This was his medicine.  This was his path.
In the many years that followed, Two Spirit was able to do much good for all the tribes.  He was able to teach them of the new medicine.  He brought to the people an understanding of the joining of masculine and feminine medicine, which exists, in all of us.  His lessons brought a balance to the inward self in the people (the 7th DIRECTION)  He taught the people what to look for in children who might carry the medicine.  He taught all, that is it
our responsibility to help each other in a good way.  Today there are many carrying this good medicine.  They walk among all the tribes and nations.   They carry healing medicine to all the people.  Their purpose is to share joy and love with all the tribes.  Their purpose is to do Creator's work in a good way.  

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin.
